Orders to Kill Children
Post #1
Hello, everyone, I have a question about the Bible, which I'm finally reading now from cover to cover, instead of sections referred to me by my pastor. In Chapter 31 of Numbers, Moses ordered the killing of a village, and then he says, "Kill all, men, women, and children, but the young girls who have not known men, keep alive for yourselves!" I don't understand this. What is Moses saying here? It doesn't seem in line with Christ's words of "What you Do Unto the Least of These You Do Unto Me." It sounds so very... unChristian. How is this really compatible with other parts of our faith? Thank you,
Post #2
You have to understand the egregiousness of the situation--the Midianites, who had joined the Moabites in leading the Hebrews into idolatry. God, sovereign over His creation was within His rights to wipe out those that were so idolatrous and sinful. The virgin women were to be spared, because they had not participated in the incident at Baal-peor. AMR
Post #3
Thank you for your response. I understand that God was trying to take vengeance, but the actually phrase of the Bible is: "Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man." (31:17-18) If the children girls were taken to be raped, as the phrasing implies, they were hardly "spared." And similarly, there isn't anything more or less guilty about a young girl versus a young boy -- and there's no reason to slaughter those who were born of sinners, because then everyone would be slaughtered. Really, though.... killing young children? Can someone please explain to me how you think this is wrong, but you believe in a god who does it? Thank you,
Post #4
There is nothing in the passage that states the young women were taken to be raped. Moreover, OT laws in effect at the time provided for women who were assaulted, in penalties or commandments to marry, proof of a righteous God who transcended the cultural mores (more-ays) of the time. Again, you assume that even young children are somehow immune from the sin of Adam. We are all born sinners. If any of these young children were elect of God, they would have went to their glory. If not, they went to their just reward. We need to stop trying to place God in the dock, and hold Him to account. We are the created, He is the Creator. Read Romans 9 and let me know what you take away from its teachings. AMR
Post #5
Their just reward? You can't seriously be talking about the killing of young, barely conscious children as the delivering them unto "their just reward." And, if god didn't want them to be raped, what did he mean by "keep them alive for yourselves!" ? One way or the other, they all equally had sin, as you pointed (which I pointed out way earlier). So, therefore, the keeping alive of the women represents... say, god's will that soldiers need to have a form of relaxing in the field? I don't know. I'm really trying to interpret this meaningfully into today's morality. I mean, god ordered child killing.... there's something wrong with believing in this and then not massively incorporating it into our real, ideal beliefs. This is god, and him, his message, and his ideas never change (Malachi 3:6). So, either we should erect a monument to the gloriousness of the lord, worshiping the open slaughter of guilty children who do not yet know how to speak. Or, find a different religion. Thanks,
Post #6
If you want to debate the issue please post in one of the appropriate forums. The Ask A Chaplain forum is not set up for extensive debate of theological issues. I have given you a proper response to the matter and asked you to read more. You apparently did not take my advice and reject my answers. Thread closed. AMR [Note: ChristianForums.com has no debate forum.]