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CopyLeft and Open Source Center >> Sorted by Authors >> University of Victoria >> Adaptive Public License (APL)

Adaptive Public License (APL)

CopyLeft and Open Source Licenses

... * 1.12. * " * LICENSE NOTICE * " has the meaning assigned in * Part 5 of Exhibit A * . * 1.13. * " * MODIFICATION * " or " * MODIFICATIONS * " means any change to and/or addition to the Licensed Work. * 1.14. * " * PERSON * " means an individual or other legal entity, including a corporation, partnership or other body. * 1.15. * " * RECIPIENT * " means any Person who receives or obtains the Licensed Work under this License (by way of example, without limiting the foregoing, any...

--Adaptive Public License (APL), Version 1.0. (Paragraph 20.)

By: University of Victoria
Alternate Titles: None.

Available, License Versions

Adaptive Public License (APL), Version 1.0

6,980 Words / 46.79 kB

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