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  • Communism Versus Capitalism



    Image by the CNT-FAI
    Image: By the CNT-FAI during the Spanish Civil War

    The Principle of Anarchism

         I have stated before that I am a Communist. Any person who himself has read "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx will understand that Communism will lead to the eventual abolition of government. Numerous Communists are also Anarchists, and vice versa, hence the term Anarcho-Communist. I have stated before numerous times that I am an Anarchist, yet Mr. Tremblay continues to assert that I am a "Statist." I can hardly understand his reasoning at all. If someone told me that they were a Christian but did not believe in the Trinity, would it be logical for me to argue against the principles of the Trinity with them, or would it be logical for me to call them a "Trinitarian"? Absolutely not. It only confounds the debate and makes things less clear. In that regard, I believe that Mr. Tremblay has committed a grave disservice to anyone interested in the matter herein.

         Indeed, any person who finds Communism to be similar to Statism is only speaking from their prejudices. Only one hundred years ago, Peter Kropotkin wrote, "When speaking of Communism, most people think of the more or less Christian and monastic and always authoritarian Communism advocated in the first half of this century and practiced in certain communities." ["Communism and Anarchy," by Kropotkin.] Now, when we compare this view of Communism whit what is widely believed about it today, do we find contradiction? Of course. Today, people believe Communism to be "godless" and "blasphemous" (thus, they are allowed to call it evil). Moreover, the association of Communism with Despotism or Statism is highly prevalent. Some of the primary arguments against Communism are those against Fascism and Totalitarianism. "Why would we want to reproduce the conditions of Red China or the Soviet Union, and the millions of their own people they killed?" Of course, the question is in vain, because it was not the Communism but the leaders who produced such great atrocities. And, this is quite true, as before the rise of the USSR, Communism was believed to be a Christianly commune. And today, Communism is believed to be an Authoritarian, Atheist commune. This simply demonstrates the ignorance of people when speaking of Communism.

         I believe in Democracy. No bill should ever become a law without the consent of the people. All citizens should be involved in directly voting for what is to be a law and what is not to be a law. There is no other system that will serve the purposes of man greater. What is the point of electing a leader so that he can serve a term? Is there any proof that he will be less vicious than a king, less tyrannical than a dictator? Are presidents known for being merciful compared to the despots of the world? There is no evidence to suggest this.

         I am an Anarchist, not a Statist. I believe in the will of the people, not the regime of the king.

    The Proletariat

    "For that which the worker winneth shall then be his indeed,
    Nor shall half be reaped for nothing by him that sowed no seed.

    "O strange new wonderful justice! But for whom shall we gather the gain?
    For ourselves and for each of our fellows, and no hand shall labour in vain.

    "Then all Mine and all Thine shall be Ours, and no more shall any man crave
    For riches that serve for nothing but to fetter a friend for a slave.

    "And what wealth then shall be left us when none shall gather gold
    To buy his friend in the market, and pinch and pine the sold?

    "Nay, what save the lovely city, and the little house on the hill,
    And the wastes and the woodland beauty, and the happy fields we till;

    "And the homes of ancient stories, the tombs of the mighty dead;
    And the wise men seeking out marvels, and the poet's teeming head;

    "And the painter's hand of wonder; and the marvellous fiddle-bow,
    And the banded choirs of music: all those that do and know.

    "For all these shall be ours and all men's, nor shall any lack a share
    Of the toil and the gain of living in the days when the world grows fair."

    -- William Morris, "Chants for Socialists."

         There are two, concrete facts of modern society that will churn anyone's stomach. First, the workers produce the wealth of the world. Second, the workers are given the least of this produce. Hence, we have the reason why I am a Communist. I believe that those who produce the labor of the world ought to be the receivers of it! The statistics have spoken. The workers are given close to 5% of the wealth they produce, perhaps less. No rhetoric, no lies, can change these facts. I believe those who work are to be those who receive the wealth. In our present condition, those who do not work, receive the wealth. There can be no greater inconsistency and stupidity than this. But it is this, that we call "freedom" or "liberty," but it is a lie, and they will have you believe it, so that your life's toils will go to making them richer.


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